By:Dana Benarroch Preparing a workshop or lecture on Psychological Safety and Team Building According to Dr. Amy C. Edmondson’s research, a key factor that differentiates high-performing teams is psychological safety. Her definition is: “Where it is believed that one will not be punished or humiliated for expressing ideas, concerns, questions and mistakes. Where the team is
March 19, 2023
By: Dana Benarroch This month’s focus of the Life Purpose theme is on adults and the elderly. When you have a whole life ahead of you, from the age of 22 forward, it is easier to discover the purpose of life and get energized by the enthusiasm in the process of achieving goals, than when you
January 19, 2023
By:Astrid Baumgardner It has been one year since the formation of the Education Committee and we are excited to continue our work and help you expand your knowledge of the SPIRE framework and apply these principles to your life. We will kick off 2023 with a deep dive into Purpose, the first Spiritual principle: A purposeful life
November 19, 2022
By:Dana Benarroch One of the most common myths about happiness is believing that happiness is the absence of problems. However, problems are not only inevitable, but a part of a happy life. Sounds paradoxical, right? Well, happiness entails several paradoxes, especially if we understand it from the cultural concepts that we brought more than 200