Founding Members
We will always be grateful for the incredible idea and initiative to create this Club to:

Tami Muller

Iris Shapira Cohen

Gustavo Arns

Rohit Kauntia

Arlen Solodkin

Michelle Zou

Lian Allweis

Luca Firanescu Shaked

Shiri Shapiro

Sandy Mora

Dana Benarroch

Diane Laschet

Judy Oppenheim

Valentina Luján

Gaby Acosta

Emilia Florek-Guerrero

Ana Gabriela Lima

Blenda Batista

Marcela Diaz

Lisa-Michelle Kucharz

Jim Mcnerney

Lulu Carter

Archana Shetty

Our Awesome Team
We are filled with gratitude for the hard work and commitment of everyone serving on the HSA Alumni & Business Club volunteer team all over the world. Their dedication every day helps turn the dream into a reality.

Sandy Mora
Executive Manager

Business Team

Ana Gabriela Lima

Archana Shetty

Luca Firanescu Shaked

Venki Raman

Cicy Zhang

Livia Grujich

Education Team

Rachel Aspani

Dana Benarroch

Irene Okupnik

Judy Oppenheim

Astrid Baumgardner

Elvis Zhu


Marketing & Communications Team

Malena Barquín

William Li

Lian Allweis

Katja Kerin Rozman

Jacobo Betech

Community Development Team

Michelle Zou

Lian Allweis


Naama Yarden

Helen Yu

Cindy Areglado


HSA Alumni & Business Club Members, If you're interested in joining one of our committees, please contact us!